DEAD END and DEAD HEAT by Susan Sleeman, Reviewed.LOVE ON TARGET by Shanna Hatfield, Reviewed by Pau.THE WORDS WE LOST by Nicole Deese, Reviewed by Pau.BLIND TRUST by Natalie Walters, Reviewed by Kim #R.RETURN TO SATTERTHWAITE COURT by Mimi Matthews, Re.WAR OF TORMENT by Ronie Kendig, Reviewed by Kim #.A NOVEL PROPOSAL by Denise Hunter, Reviewed by Reb.DEAR HENRY, LOVE EDITH by Becca Kinzer, Reviewed b.FRONTIER CINDERELLA by Regina Scott, Reviewed by P.LILAC COTTAGE by Carrie Fancett Pagels, Reviewed b.IN HER SIGHTS (Pink Pistol Sisterhood Series #1) b.

THE WORDS WE LOST by Nicole Deese, Reviewed by Win.BLIND TRUST by Natalie Walters, Reviewed by Paula.AFTER THE SHADOWS by Amanda Cabot, Reviewed by Pau.HOLDING ON TO HOPE by Janet Ferguson, Reviewed by.DAWN'S UNTRODDEN GREEN by Carolyn Miller, Reviewe.THE ONE SHE CAN'T FORGET by Tara Grace Ericson, Re.THE WORDS WE LOST by Nicole Deese, Reviewed by Kim.THE BABY INHERITANCE by Tina Radcliffe, Reviewed b.As tensions in Denmark began to mount, Else was challenged to use her connections for the greater good, but could she take the risk? It seemed that she and Hemming had a lot more in common than either of them realized. Hemming kept mainly to himself, but seemed to enjoy her company in the evenings, asking basic questions about her work and encouraging her to stand up for herself in an occupation dominated by males. Else Jensen held a mild curiosity about the man with the simple speech and kind words of wisdom that lived in the same boarding house. But working in a shipyard was not all that Hemming was doing, or being asked to do he also became the "Havmand".Īmerican physicist Dr.

Deep within the heart of nobleman Baron Henrik Ahlefeldt lay a passion to become a new kind of man, and thus he transformed himself into a common laborer, Hemming Anderson, whose intellect and prestige went silent, in addition to his tongue. When the Germans occupied the tiny country of Denmark as a way to protect access to valuable shipping routes, the Danish people were presented with a choice go on as if nothing were amiss or begin to take a stand for freedom, especially when their own liberties began to be compromised and the lives of those they loved were threatened. "She'd always been careful not to do wrong, but people in the resistance had no such qualms.